Rayco Construction offers maintenance programs for property managers and owners. We’ll track the inspections and the findings, and remind you each year when it’s time to inspect your investment. Our maintenance packages include:

  • Roof Inspection: We survey the exterior condition of your roof system and related sheet metal work. We look for deterioration or damage that has occurred, documenting conditions to monitor or repair.
  • General Upkeep: Rayco Construction clear debris from the roof surface, gutters, drains and scuppers. Debris can cause water ponding, which can age the roof prematurely and possibly cause significant damage.
  • Maintenance: We replace deteriorated sealant on metal flashings, refill pitch pans and re-seal suspect flashing at equipment curbs and perimeters. We also secure drain clamps and rain collars at pipe penetrations.
  • Annual Report: We document all work performed, providing updated roof drawings and work-related photographs. In addition, we provide budget numbers for the current and upcoming years based on our findings.